Welcome to pir electronics

Get the Future Brighter With Innovation 1

Pir electronics own the first flagship store in Pakistan to introduce FRP Fiber Reinforced Polymer Based Solar Panels structure who owns the stability and durability of 25 years . Fibre reinforced polymers (FRP) are composite materials comprised of a polymer matrix combined with high-strength fibres such as glass, aramid and carbon.

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    Duis ultricies, tortor a accumsan fermentum, purus diam mollis velit, eu bibendum ipsum erat quis leo. Vestibulum finibus, leo dapibus feugiat rutrum, augue lacus rhoncus velit, vel scelerisque odio est.

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    Welcome to pir electronics

    Get the Future brighter with innovation

    Pir electronics own the first flagship store in Pakistan to introduce FRP Fiber Reinforced Polymer Based Solar Panels structure who owns the stability and durability of 25 years . Fibre reinforced polymers (FRP) are composite materials comprised of a polymer matrix combined with high-strength fibres such as glass, aramid and carbon.

    About us


    Fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) is widely used in strengthen structural elements . The high strength-to-weight ratio, good insulation character and excellent electrochemical corrosion resistance material behaviour of FRPs glass fibre-reinforced polymer (GFRP), carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP) and aramid fibre-reinforced polymer (AFRP).Also highlighted that the FRP composites material produce similar even more strength as steel. These advantages lead the popularity of FRP as an alternative to the traditional steel reinforcement concrete, especially in coastal regions.

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    20 KW Installation Complete in Khayaben e Bahira DHA Phase 5

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    17 KW Installation Complete in Khayaben e Rizwan DHA Phase 7

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    30 KW Installation Complete in khayaban e khalid DHA Phase 8

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    10 KW Installation Complete in khayaban e sahil near by emmar tower DHA Phase 8

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    Best Compatibility with your solar system

    Your solar panels owns life of 25- 30 years but whats your structure life which is holding your valuable panels?

    Solar Panels
    Hybrid Energy

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    Promoting Green Energy Services

    Very Light Weight

    Corrosion / Rust Resistant

    Stability Temperature 60-70'C

    Wind Stability reported at 140-160 Km/h / 80-90NM

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    Pir Zawwar Manzoor

    Solar Energy Advisor

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